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Training, Interoperability and Multilingualism

Training, Interoperability and Multilingualism

ATRIUM at the OPERAS Conference

by Carol Delmazo

Although still in its early months, the ATRIUM project was present at several moments of the OPERAS 2024 conference, which took place in Zadar, Croatia from 24 to 26 April. Starting from the pre-event, OPERAS representatives in ATRIUM participated in the Foundation Training on Standards for Lightweight IT Service Management (FitSM). Similar training will be organised within the project for service providers to enable ATRIUM partners to improve their service management. FitSM has been used as a reference framework in several research infrastructures (and e-infrastructures), including EOSC.


Conference participants had the opportunity to learn more about the diverse training activities that ATRIUM will be undertaking. In the poster session, the Institute of Literary Research of the Polish Academy of Sciences (IBL PAN) presented the ATRIUM work package focused on “Fostering Cross-Disciplinary Research through Training and Open Science”, highlighting the skills assessment to identify service users’ needs, the stakeholder forums with users and service/data providers, and the ATRIUM curriculum, which will include an integrated set of training courses. The peer review framework, with the goal of valuing diverse scientific outputs, was also mentioned.

During the other sessions and workshops, ATRIUM was again mentioned several times, in particular in discussions on interoperability and multilingualism related to GoTriple. This discovery platform for the social sciences and humanities is an OPERAS service included in the ATRIUM portfolio.