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IBL-PAN (Polish Literary Bibliography/European Literary Bibliography, The Institute of Literary Research of the Polish Academy of Sciences)

Location: Poznan, Poland

Contact: Cezary Rosiński ( )

The PBL/ELB infrastructure is used to collect, describe, organise and make available bibliographic data. The infrastructure works at the intersection of digital humanities, social sciences and computer science. The infrastructure offers access to the team of experienced and enthusiastic data scientists/analysts, developers and project managers ( ). The infrastructure is particularly interested in supporting humanist researchers, the development of tools and analysis of literary data, the creation of international bibliographic resources, and the improvement of data and publication quality. We are looking for literary scholars to support data and metadata driven research activities (papers, projects) and data scientists to share knowledge, workflows and experience.

A new addition to the infrastructure is the portfolio of sevices developed within the Dariah.lab project available on Github . It features for example Harmonize, an open source discovery system and Corpus of Literary Discourse, a collection of texts covering Polish literary discourse from 1822 to 2022.

The infrastructure maintains two services:

  • The Polish Literary Bibliography (PBL) which is a bibliography of Polish literature, theatre and feature films and is a widely accessible, free service used by researchers, pupils, students, journalists, cultural animators or librarians. Already a bibliographic database, PBL is equipped with a ‘generous’ interface and an extensive data in accordance with Semantic Web methodology.
  • ELB (European Literary Bibliography) is a joint project of Czech Literary Bibliography and Polish Literary Bibliography, started in 2020. Its goal is to integrate the data of both bibliographies through automated data harmonisation and LOD technologies. It is ultimately intended to be the infrastructure for open literary bibliographic data at the European level that is currently dispersed in many places. The ELB currently has so far aggregated Czech, Finnish, Spanish and Polish datasets.

Services currently offered by the infrastructure

  1. European Literary Bibliography

    The European Literary Bibliography offers:

    • collecting bibliographical data on literature and literary science from existing sources, unifying them based on joint descriptive system (LiBRI thesaurus),
    • data enrichment (persistent identifiers – VIAF, Geonames, LOC subject headings etc.),
    • data LOD-ification (interconnection to Wikidata),
    • development of an infrastructure for data-driven research on bibliodata.
  2. Polish Literary Bibliography

    The PBL service allows users to browse bibliographic documentation both through text searches and through a structure of subject headwords reproducing a map of Polish literary, theatrical and film culture. The data collected in the service is open research data. PBL offers queries for research/projects, support in data processing and bibliographic methodological consultations. The resource is developed through both automated data processing and the manual work of more than 10 full-time cataloguers.

  3. Support for researchers to use digital humanities tools and adapt them to the specificities of academic inquiry.

  4. Portfolio of services

What this TNA offers

PBL/ELB infrastructure will offer individualised access on the topic of interest of applicants which will be aligned with PBL/ELB’s expertise and offered services.

Logo of IBL PAN, with a graphic letter and paper clip followed by the letters PBL