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Transnational Access Scheme Application Process

All applications to the Transnational Access Scheme will be completed through this online form .

Eligibility criteria

To be eligible for sponsorship, researchers must:

  • Work or be registered as a student in an institution in one of the EU Member States and Associated States.
  • Apply to a host organisation that is NOT within the country that you currently reside.
  • Submit an application through the online form .
  • Agree to provide feedback on the placement or summer school after your visit (see below).
  • Provide ATRIUM with the details of the dissemination of outputs resulting from the TNA scheme.

Where appropriate, publications and other outputs resulting from this research period should include the following acknowledgement: “The research leading to these results has received funding from the European Commission HORIZON Research and Innovation Actions under grant agreement GAP-101132163 — ATRIUM — HORIZON-INFRA-2023-SERV-01-02

Evaluation criteria

After applications are submitted and reviewed by host organisations for eligibility, they will be assessed by the TNA Program Committee. The Committee consists of international experts in arts and humanities research and includes members of ATRIUM organisations and independent experts outside the project.

Applications will be assessed and ranked on the basis of four criteria:

  • quality of the research idea (individual access only).
  • quality of the implementation plan (individual access only).
  • quality of fit between the applicant and the proposed host.
  • impact on the applicant’s research to their home institution or community.

On request, unsuccessful applicants wishing to re-apply may receive feedback on their application.


We ask all applicants to Individual Access placements to please contact their proposed host organisation before applying. This will allow you to discuss your project in advance and confirm whether the host organisation can provide the necessary support. Contact details for each organisation can be found on the Host organisations webpages.

Applicants will be informed of the outcome of their application within six months of the submission of their application via the online form.

ATRIUM will take all measures to ensure impartial and objective implementation of the TNA scheme and reduce the prospect that the application process is compromised for reasons involving economic interest, political or national affinity, family or emotional ties or any other shared interest (‘conflict of interests’). Any potential Program Committee members who feel they have a conflict of interest will be asked to recuse themselves from the selection process. In cases where applicants would receive the same weighted score, scholars from regions and communities with less training and education opportunities will be given preference.

The ATRIUM project will provide equal opportunities with regards to Transnational Access. While the selection process will be based solely on the scientific merit, we will collect demographic information for applicants for each call and, if required, adjust the target audience to address imbalances in gender, geographical location or the participation of early career researchers.

Information Required

The application form will ask you to submit the following information:

Applicant Details:

  • Name
  • Date of Birth
  • Gender
  • Nationality/Nationalities
  • Short Biography (Please provide details of your academic qualifications and experience in archaeological research – 1000 characters maximum).

Current organisation:

  • Name
  • Location
  • Position
  • Are you an early career researcher? (A PhD student or a researcher with fewer than seven years, full time equivalent, experience since completing a PhD).

Type of Transnational Access Scheme applied for (Individual Access or Summer School Access)

Name of proposed host organisation

Reporting Information: (Optional)

Declaration Statement

Additional information will be collected from applicants based on the type of TNA application that they are submitting.

For Individual access applications:

Project Information

  • Confirmation of contact to proposed host organisation prior to application
  • Project Information :
    • Title (500 characters maximum)
    • Aims and Objectives (1500 characters maximum)
    • Description of Planned work (3000 characters maximum)
    • Personal statement: expected achievements and impact (Outline the reasons why you are interested in TNA, what you wish to gain from it, and how you expect it to contribute to your own research project – 3000 characters maximum).
    • Dissemination plans (Describe how you plan to bring knowledge from the TNA to the attention of members of your project team/academic department/organisation, e.g. a talk, lecture, report, publication, blog post etc. – 2000 characters maximum).
    • Key References (References that support your proposed research idea if applicable – 1500 characters maximum).

For Summer School applications:

  • Summer School (Location and date of Summer School to which you are applying for)
  • Supporting Statement (Outline the reasons why you would find the training beneficial and how you could apply these lessons to your own organisation and research – 2500 characters maximum).

All information collected via the online application form is subject to the General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR) and can be removed from our database at any time. Further information is provided in the online form. If you have any questions please contact us by emailing .

Important: We ask all applicants to Individual Access placements to please contact their proposed host organisation in advance of their application to discuss their project and ascertain the suitability of the host organisation to provide support.

Please follow this link to submit your application to the scheme.

User Feedback

Feedback from the TNA user group is essential for improving our training programme and documenting the importance of the ATRIUM project to the European Commission. All successful participants are required to complete a survey about the application process and visit the host organisation. A link to this survey form will be sent after your visit is complete.


Successful applicants will be required to submit a report about their placement. Please note that a completed report is required from participants before any expenses will be reimbursed.

The report can take any format that the participants wishes as long as it details the following information:

  • Some biographical information about who they are (e.g. research area, affiliation, career stage)
  • Some details of the host institution that they visited, including the duration of stay, type of work undertaken and how the TNA supported their research.

Sharing Application Details with the European Commission

Please note that if your application is successful some of your application data will be collected for reporting purposes by the Funding Body of the European Commission. This data request is a standard requirement to ensure compliance with reporting obligations and to facilitate the funder’s impact assessment. The following data will be posted on the secure EU Funding and Tenders Portal, which is visible only to the Funder and Project Consortium: First name, last name, gender, nationality, country of residence, employing organisation name, legal status of organisation.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q. Can I apply to visit an organisation in the country in which I currently work/study?
A. No. Only applications that are made to organisations that are outside of the country that you currently work/study will be considered.

Q. Should I contact my proposed host organisation ahead of my application?
A. Yes, if you are applying to an Individual Access opportunity. It is necessary to contact your proposed host organisation to discuss your experience and your proposed research project to ascertain the suitability of the host organisation to provide support. If you are applying for a place at a Summer School it is not necessary to contact your host organisation in advance.

Q. What does the grant cover and what is its value?
A: The grants will cover travel, accommodation, and subsistence expenses as deemed necessary for each specific location. Each hosting organisation has been allocated a budget for providing transnational access grants. Therefore, we recommend that applicants reach out to prospective hosting organizations beforehand to determine the extent of funding available.

Q. What is the duration for the individual access applications?
A. This depends on the organisation that you are applying to and the nature of your proposed research project. Please contact your proposed host organisation in advance of your application for more information.

Q. Where do I submit my application?
A. You must use the online application form to apply for the TNA scheme.

Q. What expenses can be incurred as part of my successful TNA application?
A. All travel and accommodation expenses incurred through your placement can be claimed back via your host organisation.

Q. Where can I find out more about the proposed host organisations?
A. A list of the proposed host organisations including contact details and specialisms can be found on the TNA homepage.

Q. Can I apply if I am not a European citizen?
A. Yes, however, you must currently work or study in an organisation that is located in an EU Member State or Associated State. A full list of participation countries can be downloaded from the European Commission website.

Q. I have a question that you have not addressed. Who should I contact?
A. Please contact the TNA scheme organisers by emailing