Enhancing Access
ATRIUM aims to improve access to leading research infrastructures in the Arts and Humanities by enhancing the quality of metadata in existing catalogues and repositories. This involves developing solutions for metadata quality assessment, curation, and enrichment, as well as creating feedback loops between catalogs and data providers. With a particular focus on archaeology, ATRIUM will expand services such as optical character recognition (OCR), handwritten text recognition (HTR) and automatic speech recognition (ASR).
Making Research Widely Available
ATRIUM is committed to reaching diverse communities across Europe, with a particular focus on citizen science and people with disabilities. Citizen scientists are encouraged to actively participate in recording and documenting discoveries, such as rock carvings in Sweden and England, the Nuraghe civilization network in Sardinia, and through metal detector field surveys in the UK and Czechia. On top of this, ATRIUM makes tools and services available in several languages while also providing grants for researchers to visit research infrastructures abroad through the six Open Calls of the Transnational Access scheme .
Research Workflows
So that researchers can best learn how to apply digital methods to their work, ATRIUM will create and disseminate clear workflows and demonstrators. These step-by-step guides will describe how to perform a task within the research data lifecycle or around particular topics or data types. ATRIUM workflows will be created using the SSH Open Marketplace templates and hosted there, paying particular attention to:
- text-based data
- image-based data
- 3D data
- sound-based data
- 2D geospatial data.
ATRIUM will train a new generation of researchers by developing a curriculum and running a number of of training sessions, involving:
- ATRIUM Skillset Assessment to identify user needs
- ATRIUM Bridge which includes stakeholder forums with users and services/data providers
- ATRIUM Curriculum which encompasses an integrated and comprehensive set of courses hosted on DARIAH-Campus .
Establishing the Peer Review Framework
ATRIUM fosters cross-disciplinary knowledge sharing by establishing a common research assessment framework. This aims to counter the bias in academia that privileges certain types of research outputs (like journal articles) over others (such as datasets, models, workflows or software). By building community consensus around a peer review framework, ATRIUM aims to incentivise a wide variety of research outputs that are necessary for building and maintaining innovative research infrastructures.
Strengthening Data Management Practices
ATRIUM connects four leading research infrastructures: DARIAH for digital humanities and arts, ARIADNE for archaeology, CLARIN for languages, and OPERAS for social sciences. With the aim of establishing a smooth flow of data across various services, ATRIUM will promote the FAIR principles – making data more Findable, Accessible, Interoperable, and Reusable.