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LINDAT/CLARIAH-CZ (Digital Research Infrastructure for the Arts and Humanities)

Location: Charles University, Prague, Czechia

Date: 4th to 15th August 2025

Contact: Jana Hamrlová ( )

For more information visit the dedicated Summer School website .

LINDAT/CLARIAH-CZ is a combined national node of three large European research infrastructures CLARIN , DARIAH , and EHRI . LINDAT/CLARIAH-CZ hosts data repositories and runs web services for research and industry. The hosted data sets encompass a wide range of arts and humanities disciplines, especially linguistics, archival studies, and history. Most of the services aid Natural Language Processing tasks. LINDAT/CLARIAH-CZ also manages proper licensing of all content and services for research and education, as well as for commercial use where possible. The LINDAT/CLARIAH-CZ consortium consists of leading Czech GLAM and research organizations in linguistics, history, archaeology, ethnography, bibliography, cultural research, history of arts, film, visual arts, music, and philosophy.

What this TNA offers

This intensive course will teach you to tidy your data as well as perform basic analysis with descriptive statistics and scientific visualisation techniques. It is a condensed version of a regular semestral course in R programming for humanities students who do not have any programming skills, boasting a non-competitive and highly supportive environment for scholars who get easily intimidated by computers. Your goal is to gain a critical level of skill to prepare your own (tabular) data for analysis.

This two-week course will take place over ten teaching days, scheduling a morning and an afternoon block, which will be interrupted by an ample time slot for lunch and recuperation. Typically, there will be one 90-minute lecture in the morning and one in the afternoon. Other sessions are composed as either 90-minute self-paced study slots in DataCamp or a small individual/pair/group project. Either way, the teacher will be on standby in the room. You will work with RStudio. You do not even have to install it for the course, since we will provide you with access to our cloud installation to use in your web browser. Please bring your own laptop and your own headphones. The headphones are very important, since you will be watching DataCamp video tutorials individually.

The summer school will be organised as a block subject at the Faculty of Mathematics and Physics, Charles University, for which students can get 2 credits.