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Facilitating access to digital research infrastructures and advancing frontier knowledge in the arts and humanities — across disciplines, languages and media.

The goal of ATRIUM (Advancing fronTier Research In the arts and hUManities) is to bridge leading research infrastructures in arts and humanities ( DARIAH ), archaeology ( ARIADNE ), languages ( CLARIN ), and open scholarly communication in the social sciences and humanities ( OPERAS ).

The Arts and Humanities is a very diverse field, covering a range of disciplines and communities of practice that have different epistemological and methodological foundations: an archaeologist and an art historian studying a Mycenaean fresco will have distinct goals and approaches to describing their objects of research. A literary scholar and a linguist will come to a textual corpus with radically different senses of what a corpus is and what questions can be asked of it. Yet research infrastructures in the Arts and Humanities domain must cater to a very wide range of stakeholders and offer services that cut across discipline-specific boundaries.

ATRIUM will tackle this heterogeneity within the Arts and Humanities by going deep and wide at the same time: on the one hand, ATRIUM will make a groundbreaking contribution to the consolidation and expansion of services, including data services, specifically in the field of archaeology. On the other hand, ATRIUM facilitates access to a wide array of essential text, image and sound-based services that benefit a number of other disciplines within the Arts and Humanities, and cover all phases of the research data lifecycle (creating, processing, analyzing, preserving, providing access to and reusing).

Latest Events & News

Transnational Access – Travel Grants

ATRIUM will offer researchers and research teams the chance to visit 16 research infrastructures and organisations in the Arts and Humanities abroad.